I just have to say that I love to see God working! Yes, He is working on me and in my life. What really excites me though is to see Him working in the lives of others though. I had someone come up to me earlier this evening asking about my trip to Honduras . We spoke about Honduras for a little while, but then we got to talking about what God had been doing in his life. He thought he was saved at a young age and got baptized. Turns out, he was just a young kid doing what everyone else was doing. Almost a year ago this adult man was saved and baptized. Praise God!
This man is seeking God with everything he’s got. He’s trying to be a good influence for his wife and family, his co-workers, and his friends. He is diving into the word of God and trying to understand it all. He’s trying to figure out how it applies to his life. He told me about getting back into church and all of the great things happening in his church. He asked me questions. What a blessing to be able to spend time with another Christian and talk about how amazing our God is. How wonderful to help minister to a new Christian.
I couldn’t help but notice how on fire he was. I invited him to go on the Emmaus Walk. I told him that I thought he would truly enjoy it and learn a lot at the same time. I’ve invited men before. They all say no. Not this one! Not only did he want an application, he also wanted one for his friend. Did I mention that it’s amazing to see God working?!
After speaking to this man, I couldn’t help but think about us as Christians. I got to thinking about that fire we experience after our salvation. I also got to thinking about how so many of us seem to have lost that fire and fervency for God. So, here are some questions for you: How long has it been since you’ve felt that fire? How long has it been since you’ve been excited about God? How long has it been since you’ve had the desire to dive into your Bible and feast on God’s word? How long has it been since you’ve been excited to go to church? How long has it been since you’ve visited the widowed and shut-ins in your community? How long has it been since you’ve done whatever it is that you know God would want you to do?
Has it been too long? Can you even remember the last time you felt that fire? When looking through scripture, I found Luke 24:32. I kept thinking about that fire within our hearts… I kept wondering how to renew that fire after we feel like it’s completely burnt out... Luke 24:32 says, “And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?” Their hearts burned within them while the scriptures were opened. Maybe we should open our Bibles more often and see what happens. That fire that is feeling so dim and non-existent just might be renewed!
Good Post!!